dimanche 2 octobre 2011

#USA #OccupyTogether : Facebook Occupy list

" I've built a partial spreadsheet listing some of the many cities across America where people are creating and joining "Occupy X" groups in solidarity with the OccupyWallStreet protest. Not counting the 49,000 people on the latter's page, a semi-random mix of 28 other mid-to-large cities have another 40,000 or so people signed up. OccupyTogether.org has links to more than 100 cities in all, so a simple extrapolation suggests that easily well over one hundred thousand people have signalled their support. It remains to be see how many will show up and stay on the ground. "

If you'd like to help flesh out this spreadsheet, email me at msifry at gmail dot come, or message me on Twitter and I'll give you editing access.

Links to each city's Facebook page can be found in the spreadsheet : Facebook Occupy list - Google Docs

in http://techpresident.com


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